A total of 291 serological samples of Ewassi sheep were collected from different regions in Hama Mhafazat, in order to detect the morbidity rate of Toxoplasma gondii. The reported morbidity rate was 56.01%. Besides, 72 serological samples were collected from women for the same purpose, and the prevalence of infection was reported as 68.05%. Latex rapid agglutination and Latex Plate- agglutination tests were used in the examination of samples. The Positive titers were started from titer 1/64 in sheep and cats and from 1/32 in human population. The relationship between morbidity rate and age of sheep categories was studied. It was reported that morbidity rate in ages between 1-3 months was 36.95%; in ages between 3-6 months was 49.12%, and in ages between 6-9 months old was 62.5%. In sheep the infection was characterized in ages greater than one year, generally was 63.09%. Experimental infection of mice using 50 brain sheep samples for one month revealed that 4 brains, (8%) were positive for Toxoplasma-cyst.
The Scientific Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.
Detection of Toxoplasma Gondii in Sheep and Human in Hama\ Syria