Design and test of anti – virus program

Doctor Fadwa Safiah



Anti virus of computer subject is considered  one of the most import subjects for the user's computer, due to the fast spread to use computer and nets and their interface in very life fields, because of that we in this research studied anti virus of computer by identify virus and its work machinery also the kinds of virus a general study for files virus, putting a table to design a virus joining the files in its both kinds Com and Exe , after that putting a tabulate  to correct the damaged files with this virus.

We evaluated the possibility of hiring this table in correcting damage files with virus process, we depend in evaluating on how much would be the useful  of this table, through  its possibility correcting both files Com and Exe together.

The results were, that the previous tabulate can correct the executive files together and return the files to its previous position, before get damage by discovering the virus code with data base for the code virus, putting and design diagram with a tabulate after that write the code the program and merge many of technology from anti virus technology so that doped of three technologies different that: scan technology, heavier scan technology and test all.

After that we designed anti virus program used the three technologies and test that on the file damage and corrected the damaged files with this virus.

In this article, we focus on the most important ten anti-virus programs. We analyze the weak points in this programs, propose an visualization about the structure that have to be applied to get a whole anti-virus program.


Name of journal in which the research was published:

Egyptian Journal of Applied Science.


Publication Date:




Design and test of anti – virus program