DVFS is considered one of the most popular technologies used to improve energy consumption, especially in embedded systems, by scaling down the voltage and frequency used in operating the processors, which leads to reduced energy consumption. However, scaling down the operating frequency may lead to a significant increase in the instances of transient failures of processors, thus weakening the reliability of the systems. But Reliability goal and Time constraint are an important functional safety requirements and must be satisfied for safety-critical applications. This paper aims to implement deadline-based energy-efficient fault-tolerant scheduling for a reliable parallel application on heterogeneous distributed real-time systems, where the parallel application is described by a directed acyclic graph (DAG). To achieve this, this paper proposes a deadline-based energy-efficient real-time system tasks scheduling algorithm while meeting reliability requirements (DBEESARR). To verify the efficiency and capability of the proposed algorithm, The proposed algorithm has been compared with the DRB-FTSA-E algorithm, which seeks the same goal in a different manner. The experimental results confirm that the energy consumption was reduced by the proposed EESARR algorithm more than the studied DRB-FTSA-E algorithm.
Al-Baath University Journal.