الهيئة التعليمية
The laboratory contains 20 computers with a display device and the following courses are studied in it:
Computer networks /1/ - Computer drawing - Programming /1/ and /2/ - Software engineering /1/ - Data mining - Information systems /1/ and /2/ - Web programming - Algorithms and Data Structures /1/ and /2/ - Translators - Computer Skills /1/ for the College of Translation and Languages - Decision Support Systems - Logic Circuits - Computer Architecture.
The laboratory contains 21 computers with a projector and the following courses are studied in it:
Neural networks - Wireless application programming - Programming /1/ and /2/ - Systems analysis and design - Information systems /2/ - Object-oriented programming /1/ and /2/ - Computer organization and programming In assembly language - computer networks /1/ and /2/ - multimedia systems - database systems /1/ and /2/ - database management - modeling and simulation.
The laboratory contains 21 computers with a projector and the following courses are studied in it:
Decision support systems - Modeling and simulation - Database management - Multimedia systems - Algorithms and data structures /1/ and /2/ - Expert systems - Web application development - Operating systems /2/ - Computer drawing for the College of Architecture - Al-Reem Computer - Applications of Electronic Technology - Artificial Intelligence - Design of Programming Languages - Computer Architecture.
The laboratory contains 22 computers with a projector and the following courses are studied in it:
Operating systems /1/ - Computer skills for the College of Information Engineering - Computer architecture - Programming language design - Computer skills - Object-oriented programming /1/ and /2/ - Database systems /1/ - Wireless application programming - database management - image processing - neural networks - real-time systems - algorithms and data structures /2/ - multimedia systems - modeling and simulation - information systems /1/ - systems analysis and design - artificial intelligence - image processing.
The laboratory contains 16 computers with a projector and the following courses are studied in it:
Web programming - logic circuits - foundations of electrical engineering - computer skills for the following colleges: (Information Engineering - Architecture - Chemical Engineering - Petroleum Engineering - Translation and Languages - Pharmacy).
The laboratory contains 15 computers with a projector and the following courses are studied in it:
Computer organization in Assembly language - Software Engineering /2/ - Logic circuits - Computer skills for the following colleges: (Dentistry - Petroleum Engineering - Translation and Languages - Chemical Engineering).
الهيئة التعليمية