كلية الصيدلة

Pharmaceutical Laboratory


The laboratory includes the tools and equipment necessary for the student to acquire the required skills in the preparation of liquid pharmaceutical forms and solid pharmaceutical forms: such as syrups, elixirs, suspensions, emulsions, eye drops, eye drops, triggers, compresses, and monitoring of these forms. The student also learns to prepare semi-solid pharmaceutical forms and cosmetics (ointments, creams, suppositories, sunscreens, deodorants and lipsticks).


  1. Hygrometer
  2. Crispness meter
  3. Drying oven
  4. Water bath
  5. Vibrating sieves
  6. Shaker device
  7. Electric heater with magnetic motor
  8. Precision Sensitive Electronic Scale
  9. Numerous glassware (mixing glass plates - mortar in several sizes - Becher in several sizes - spatula - spoon - spatula - cylinder in several sizes - mercury thermometer).


  1. Pharmaceutics/1/
  2. Pharmaceutics/2/
  3. Industrial Pharmacy/1/
  4. Industrial Pharmacy/2/
  5. Pharmaceutical technology
  6. Pharmaceutical control


Pharmacology and Toxicology Laboratory


Experiments are conducted on the rabbit, rat, and frog and the effect of stimulant and depressant drugs on the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system, cardiac and intestinal function, and the effect of drug doses on them, such as adrenaline, acetylcholine, atropine, and others. In the toxicology and forensic toxicology courses, the student is introduced to metallic and volatile toxins and the study of various clinical cases.


  1. Light microscope
  2. Dissection and stabilization tools for the studied experimental animal
  3. Scale with cuff
  4. Several bottles (mortar - Becher in several sizes - Cylinder in several sizes - Mercury thermometer)


  1. Pharmacology /1/
  2. Pharmacology /2/
  3. Toxicology
  4. Radiation Toxicology


Organic Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Synthesis Laboratory


The laboratory contains the special equipment needed to conduct various organic chemistry tests that aim to enable the student to deal with chemical substances from synthesis, self-determination tests and calibration of elements and functional groups of organic compounds, as well as the equipment used in extraction processes, the use of organic solvents, detection and identification of various plant extracts and their quantitative and qualitative analysis.


  1. Rotary evaporator
  2. Water bath apparatus
  3. Electric oven
  4. Melting point meter
  5. Soxhlet device
  6. Clavanger device
  7. Figaro columns
  8. Electric heater with magnetic motor
  9. Sensitive and accurate electronic balance
  10. Buchner funnel with electric pump
  11. Numerous glassware and distillation apparatus


  1. Organic Chemistry /1/
  2. Organic Chemistry /2/
  3. Pharmaceutical synthesis


Plant Biology and Pharmacology Laboratory


This laboratory teaches the student methods of preparing samples of drug powders, detecting their diagnostic and characteristic elements of plant tissues microscopically, identifying medicinal plants and the section used in them, the active ingredients found in them, and recognizing the benefits and medicinal uses of many drugs.


  1. Electron microscope
  2. Sensitive electronic scale
  3. Slides and screens


  1. Plant Biology
  2. Pharmacology /1/
  3. Pharmacology /2/


Pharmaceutical Chemistry Laboratory


This course studies the physical and chemical properties of drugs and their absorption, distribution, and excretion. It includes an introduction to pharmaceutical chemistry and then examines a variety of topics. Pre-existing drugs are described in terms of their biological properties and the relationship between their structure and effect is explained. The mechanisms and methods used to determine the identity of active pharmaceutical substances are explained.


  1. Sensitive electronic balance
  2. Water bath
  3. Several glass bottles of different sizes


  1. Pharmaceutical Chemistry /1/
  2. Pharmaceutical Chemistry /2/
  3. Pharmaceutical Chemistry


Analytical Chemistry and Automated Analysis Laboratory


In this laboratory, students are trained on some analytical methods and their fundamentals and the basics of instrumentation, including training on how to prepare standard solutions and titrations in their forms (modification - precipitation - complex formation - oxidation and return - spectrophotometric titrations), how to work on the spectrophotometer, and introducing analytical laboratory instruments such as pH, conductivity, viscosity and others.


  1. Sensitive electronic balance
  2. Water bath with shaker
  3. pH meter
  4. Transmissivity meter
  5. Viscosity meter
  6. Refractometer
  7. Polarimeter
  8. Spectrophotometer with laptop
  9. Electric heater with magnetic motor
  10. Several glassware (burette of different sizes with a metal stand - Becher - Arlena - Selander - volumetric flask - mercury thermometer - test tube and others)


  1. Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry /1/
  2. Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry /2/
  3. Instrumental analysis
  4. Pharmaceutical Physical Chemistry


General and Food Chemistry Laboratory


This laboratory trains students in the qualitative and quantitative detection of impurities and impurities, definition of concentrations, and preparation of standard solutions. In addition to measuring the moisture in foodstuffs and the percentage of proteins in fatty substances, in addition to introducing them to the principles of food control and teaching them the laboratory skills that enable them to do so.


  1. Sensitive electronic scale
  2. Water bath with shaker
  3. Freezer
  4. Electric oven
  5. Glass dryer
  6. Electric heater with magnetic motor
  7. Various glassware (burette of different sizes with a metal stand - Bicher - Arlena - Cylinder - Volumetric flask - Mercury thermometer - Test tube - Jaffa and others)


  1. General and Inorganic Chemistry
  2. Food Chemistry and Control


Animal Biology Laboratory


This laboratory trains students to dissect experimental animals such as the frog, rabbit, and fish and identify their organs. Many organs of animals such as the cow and the sheep's brain are studied.


  1. Dissection and stabilization tools for the studied experimental animal.


  1. Animal biology


Biochemistry Laboratory


The laboratory includes the necessary equipment for conducting practical experiments in biology and clinical biology. In this laboratory, practical experiments are conducted to familiarize students with the structure, properties and reactions of the qualitative detection of basic biological compounds involved in the synthesis of living matter and then move to experiments to determine the concentrations of these substances in various organic fluids that are associated with clinical conditions such as determining the concentration of glucose, cholesterol and lipids in the blood, in addition to the titration of bilirubin, liver yeasts and uric acid to assess the incidence of various clinical diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, liver disease, urinary system and other clinical diseases, and so on.


  1. Blood Draw Instruments
  2. Microbeads of different sizes
  3. Hematocrit drill
  4. Pipe borer
  5. Spectrophotometer with laptop
  6. Refrigerator for keeping kits and samples
  7. Several glassware of different sizes


  1. Biochemistry /1/
  2. Biochemistry /2/
  3. Clinical Biochemistry


Microbiology Laboratory


This laboratory is concerned with introducing the student to the most important pathogenic germs and parasites, the method of infection with them, methods of diagnosis and treatment, with the presentation of their morphological characteristics and the life cycle of each of them, where they are presented in the form of ready-made preparations (slides) by means of light microscopes.


  1. Blood Drawing Tools
  2. Microbeads of different sizes
  3. Ebendorf's drill
  4. Microbial incubator
  5. Wet sterilizer
  6. Ready-made slides
  7. Electric shaker for tubes
  8. Bacterial culture kits with tips
  9. Various tools and glassware


  1. Microbiology /1/
  2. Microbiology /2/
  3. Microbiological pharmacology
  4. Molecular biology


Under construction laboratories


Industrial Pharmacy Laboratory

Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Laboratory